
Kindness Reminders! Make Any Place Kinder

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Kindness Reminders! Make Any Place Kinder


These six templates have cute kindness reminders. All ages love these. Remember those signs where people had tear-off strips to call about an apartment or something for sale? Well, you can use the same strategy to promote sharing kindness. 

I used these in my classroom and they just spread! But it wasn't just students. Teachers were taping them on their monitors. Students were putting them in their clear phone cases. You can use them anywhere - staff rooms, bathrooms and more.

So, now I have 6 templates that you can just Print and Go. Or, you can use the blank ones and write on them. If you have a copy of PowerPoint or a Google Account (for Google slides), you can open these and edit your own copy. Or, you can edit them in any PDF editor. 

Use them as reminders to be kind, or change them and remind people about events, activities and all kinds of things. These attractive designs will help people decide to be more kind!


* A printable PDF that you can edit or print and go. This 12-page document has 6 templates I've made for you. It also has 6 templates you can personalize and edit.

* A PowerPoint file. This 23-page PowerPoint file includes instructions. First, there are six editable reminders where you just edit the bottom tear off sheets. Next are six templates with blank reminders at the bottom. Finally, I include the six original templates that you can edit and tweak. (Note that I use special fonts that I mention in the file, but you can use your own fonts and make these yours!)

* 16 Suggestions for promoting kindness and using these flyers in your classroom, organization, youth group or home.

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Package Includes: 13 page PDF (Print or edit) + 23 Page Editable PowerPoint + 16 Suggestions for Using these Templates in the Classroom or With Your Group

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